Aug 16, 2015

Back in the saddle

It's been a while, old friends. But I'm back, and more committed than ever to getting out from under the heavy, unbearable-at-times, hopeless-feeling weight of my credit cards, personal loan, and school loans debt. After ignoring and then rediscovering all I owe, I'm just done beating around the bush. It's time to get out of debt, and keeping this blog will hold me accountable.

I can do it. We ALL can do it. We can become financially free, probably in a whole lot less time than you think. So join me in this one last push. I've canceled my Amazon Prime membership. I've talked myself out of a hundred "needs" in the past two days. I've updated my debt snowball. And just like every time, it shows I can be out of debt (minus mortgage) in two years. TWO YEARS PEOPLE.

I've discovered some fantastic, inspirational blogs about frugality, like the Frugalwoods and DIY Natural.

And I'm not messing around this time.

I'm all in. Are you ready? Let's do this.

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